To place an order, simply follow these steps:
Step One: Add the items you wish to purchase to your trolley, using the "Add to Trolley" button on the product page.
Step Two: Once you have added all the items you are wanting to purchase, click on the "Trolley" on the top right to head to your Mighty Ape trolley.
Step Three: If you need to make any adjustments to the quantity of the items you are purchasing, the Trolley is where you can make these adjustments by simply changing the quantity (located next to the price). You can also add gift wrapping and card as an option!
Step Four: Once you are ready, simply select "Proceed to Checkout".
Here, you can select or enter your delivery address information.
Step Five: Select "Continue" and you will be taken to the Delivery Options page where you can select your delivery method.
Step Six: Once you have selected your delivery method, select "Continue" to proceed to the payment page where you can select your payment method.
Step Seven: Once again, select "Continue" and you will be taken to the final page of Checkout. This is where you can review all the details of your order, which we do recommend doing before you fully place your order.
You can also add "delivery instructions" on this page, just below the delivery address.
Once you have reviewed all the information and everything is correct, simply select "Place Order". Your order is now complete and you will receive an order confirmation email shortly :)