After you have placed your order, you may notice some exclusive Last Chance Deals that are tailored just for you based on the products you’ve just purchased.
These exclusive deals are not available to other customers elsewhere on the website and must be purchased within 10 minutes of placing your order.
When purchasing a Last Chance Deal, your order total is automatically adjusted. If you’re paying by credit card your card will automatically be charged the revised amount. If you’re paying by bank deposit, you will be emailed a revised order total and payment instructions.
Most deals do not affect the delivery fee for your order, however, if adding a deal results in a revised delivery fee, you will be asked to confirm this is OK before proceeding.
We try our best to present Last Chance Deals to as many customers as possible, however, we can’t promise that all orders will receive these exclusive offers. If you miss out, keep an eye out next time!