The following items are subject to a Product Safety Recall. You can find the full Product Recall Notice here.
Make It Mini Food - Valentine's Day
The Hazard:
The recalled sets are not correctly labelled to identify the risks of skin, eye and respiratory irritation or sensitization if the supplied resin is inhaled, touched, or ingested, and consumers that are unaware of the risks and precautions to take when using the resin may allow it to contact the skin or eyes and suffer irritation and / or an allergic reaction.
Note that the cured resin does not pose any risk of irritation or sensitization.
What To Do:
1. Consumers should stop using the “Make It Mini” products with unused liquid resin immediately. Consumers should not open any packaging containing the liquid resin.
2. Consumers can return any unopened recalled products to their place of purchase to receive a full refund.
3. If the product has been opened and there is unused resin, dispose of the resin portion of the product immediately.
4. For more information contact MGA Entertainment Australia on or by phone on 1300 059 676.
Where do I find more information?
You can read more about this recall on the Product Safety Website: